Thứ Ba, 21 tháng 2, 2012

congrats to Jesse and Mike

Yes, it can be bittersweet when graduate students move on, but I'm delighted to update the advisee page when they've moved on to great places.

Jesse Wozniak accepted a tenure-track position at West Virginia University. He'll be finishing up his amazing dissertation on state reconstruction and the formation of the Iraqi police force this year (and maybe squeezing in a Twins game or two). Then he'll join some good friends and colleagues at WVU in January. Apart from his research, Jesse has been a popular and effective teacher at the Minnversity, so we'll miss him on many fronts.

Mike Massoglia (Ph.D. 2006) accepted a tenure-track position at my beloved alma mater, the University of Wisconsin. Mike has been writing influential articles the past few years from his own amazing dissertation on health and incarceration, but he's since taken up whole new agendas in life course criminology, housing mobility, and criminal deportation.

I'm glad for them both -- and selfishly happy to expand the network of potential couches upon which I might crash for my post-chair sabbatical road trip. Assuming they'd put me up for the night, I could couch-surf on the goodwill of former students from St. Paul, MN to Madison, WI to Milwaukee, WI to West Lafayette, IN to Morgantown, WV to State College, PA, to Bangor Maine, then back through St. Paul and Milwaukee to Portland OR, to Irvine, CA. Just leave the light on for me...

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