Thứ Hai, 23 tháng 5, 2011

contexts and men's health

The spring Contexts has sprung. The editors are especially cruel with local submissions, wielding the critical comments of external reviewers like a bludgeon against favoritism (and, sometimes, the authors themselves). One new feature survived the torture test -- a piece on those embedded sociologists who ply their craft in non-academic fields. Excerpt:

In some settings, it is the skill of gathering basic data and organizing that information in useful ways. In others, it is the ability to put data and issues in broader perspective, with a critical edge. People like Jim Kirby are often the only sociologists in their organizations. Jim emphasized how the sociological perspective is even more valuable outside a research university: “I felt like I could contribute more, in effect, because I had a different perspective than most of the economists [around me].” Mayra Gomez gave an illustrative example. “In my work on women and housing rights, being a sociologist really gives me a different understanding of gender in society, gender roles, and gender inequality...
Embedded sociologists are working in agencies and communities on some of the most troubling problems of our time. Their research and writing is infusing society with a sociological worldview as, day by day, they conduct socially relevant research, engage policy makers, and translate sociological knowledge across disciplinary boundaries. More than this, these researchers are closer to the ground, able to see the new, cutting-edge trends and emerging developments that are shaping our social worlds for ­better and for worse.

This follows on the heels of a provocative 2010 grad student piece on sociology bestsellers. Look for another cool (and non-Minnesota) graduate student project coming up in our summer issue.

For our part, the spring editors column registers our personal and professional reactions to Men's Health -- a competing magazine with ever-so-slightly higher circulation figures. And it ain't pretty...

Well, our metabolisms aren’t “fired-up,” we’re not doing the high-intensity squats that would give us “quads of the gods,” and there are apparently dozens of “sizzling bedroom tips” that our partners wish we knew. Imagine that! (Or, maybe not.) Even worse, judging by the Ultimate Ab Workout centerfold poster, neither of us is on the Six-Pack Fast-Track....

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