Chủ Nhật, 10 tháng 6, 2012

5 Decor Tips For A Living Room

By Tom Matherson

Do you want to decorate a living room in an effective way? Want to put an effort in and totally get noticed? Then have a look at these tips here in this article.
When you want to decorate, think about the fact that your environment affects how you fell immediately, and also that of your guests. If you have beautiful decor, this can lift your mood and help relax your guests, and yes, your friends and loved ones will really appreciate it.
Here are the 5 tips to consider:
1. Use wall art such as wall tapestries to create a great effect.
Tapestries are a unique way to decorate and will surprise many people in the way that it has such a unique impact on a room. Other forms of art can often be ignored, but tapestries with their natural folds and beauty has a great impact.
2. Use clean spaces to invite people in.
The use of space in a room is important. When a space feels airy and with space, people will naturally feel invited to come in and relax. This means a couch or sofa with space to sit on, a table or two with space and not totally filled with items. And space to move around as well.
3. Lighting.
To create soft light, use lamps. These are a cosy and intimate way to light a room when needing romance or to simply relax. When you want more light, then use overhead lights and halogens.
4. A selection of individual items.
Each room in the house will say something about us. You can have a few items showing such as magazines, music, hobby items, framed photos or other items that you love seeing and being around. Your guests will enjoy them too and will provide a starting point of conversation.
5. Fresh flowers.
If you are expecting guests for a special occasion or dinner party, then fresh flowers really can freshen up a place and provide beauty and fragrance. They can liven up the energy in a room and make it seem like a more special occasion.
So take a look at these tips and apply them when decorating for great effect. So get to it and have a living room that you simply adore.
Looking for decorating ideas? Then see this unique and impressive ideas for large wall tapestries to enhance any room in your home by Tom Matherson. See more ideas on how to use decor and tapestry art to transform any home.
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The Living Room Everyone Wants

designed by Cyril Taussat
If you make the circuit of your friends regularly you know there are some living rooms that are more attractive than others. This is not a case of just decorative styles and schemes, but some are more inviting and welcoming than others. Some are living rooms you just like the ‘feel’ of and others feel cold and make you just want to go home.
So, how do you make sure your home has a living room with the right feel instead of one that gives your guests cold feet?
There are a number of things to take into consideration as you try to sort out this question. First, let’s look at some of the features that you can bring into play in your living room.
Lounge Suite
If you want a cohesive look in your living room, you should really consider a lounge suite. This is when you purchase all the pieces of your living room together, in a matching set. There is something about everything matching that just makes them more welcoming and inviting.
While purchasing a lounge suite is a start, the next thing you need to do is make sure it is comfortable. You don’t want to have board-hard furniture that people are uncomfortable using. This is a sure-fire way to make them want to go home so they can be comfortable once again.
If you are going with a modern or contemporary decor style in your home, you may think you need to space furniture out, with fewer pieces in the room. Avoid this urge. Even if you have a massive living room space, and only one modern furniture suite, you should group the pieces together so they are an area for conversation. People are not comfortable feeling they have to yell across the room to be a part of a conversation. By grouping your furnishings closer together you will create an atmosphere of coziness and camaraderie.
Nothing says relaxation like having a bar in the living room. In today’s world of great rooms the bar has often moved from a lounge area, right into the living room. This will be a space where great conversations are started, and likely finished, over a few drinks.
Wall art
There is more than furniture that needs to be in place in order to create a great living room. If your guests are only looking at white walls it will feel like they are in an institution. That is not a very comfortable feeling. Utilizing wall art to dress up the room will give it a little more personality and energize the atmosphere.
Whether you are in the cold north or in the tropical south there is something about a fireplace that says coziness. In the north, you may well want to put this in use on those cold winter days, but even in warmer climes, a fireplace is a great source of emotional warmth in a room.
As you contemplate the decor in your living room, this list is a great starting point to work from. Also, take note of what makes you feel ‘at home’ in other homes. Add all this information together and use this knowledge to create a living room everyone will want to visit.
Tom Matherson writes for Worldwide Tapestries which offers a wide collection of French, Italian and Belgium wall tapestries to enhance any home. See the latest range of wall decor including a wide selection of large wall tapestries to decorate any room or home setting.
Image Thumbnail Credit: Zigshot82
Click here for some more interior design.
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Thứ Năm, 7 tháng 6, 2012

The Basement: Pendant Lighting

Once we had figured out the cabinetry layout, it became obvious to me that we had to rejig our lighting plan. I'd been planning to put our awesome harvest table that we found last summer... front of the banquette. With the perspective drawing from The Home Depot, I could now see that the steel beam would be right over the table so a centre pendant wouldn't work. Instead, I would now have to have two pendants, one on either side of the beam. Double the fun!

I love looking for lighting. I think there are so many beautiful designs out there that can really add a nice sculptural, architectural detail to a room. Here's a few that have caught my eye.

  1. Graphic, black, modern. I like how this pendant looks against the more traditional elements of the room like beadboard and shaker cabinets. The black colour would really capture your eye against all the white in the room and would be a great focal point as you enter the basement. Janice installed similar looking lights in her all-white hallway and I think they look great.
  2. This globe light reminds me of the 1970's. Simple yet groovy, a pair of these would look like glowing orbs floating over the table. If I wanted the lights to fade a bit more into the surroundings, these might be a good choice.
  3. How about something more ornate? In brass, nonetheless! We've got a bit of a nautical vibe going on in the basement and the brass reminds me of shiny portholes and fancy handrails you'd find on a luxury ship.
  4. Keeping with nautical feel but maybe a bit more literal, is this striking pendant. I like the tiered design and the nice heavy weight of the pole.
  5. Of course I had to include the classic schoolhouse light on the list. Chloe and I will be doing a lot  of crafting in this area so this just feels right.
  6. Then there's this pendant which is a mix of modern and traditional. The big glass shade should provide lots of light. The thick hardware keeps it from looking too skimpy. Maybe we'd get the best of both worlds with a transitional light like this?
What do you think? Anything stand out as a favourite? Have you come across any other lights I should add to the list?

Thứ Tư, 6 tháng 6, 2012

Download Recent IKEA Catalogues

IKEA Catalogues are a huge source of inspiration for people wolrd over. IKEA tries to outdo itself each year with a new set of cool designs from its stables. Furniture and interior design enthusiasts worship IKEA cataglogues and it is hardly surprising that they outnumber the Bible in printing and circulation! In this post, we bring you links to those much sought after holy books of design…
BTW we are always on the lookout for old IKEA catalogs on the web. If you come across any links for IKEA catalogs not included in this post, please mention them in the comments. Also we run a steady stream of cool posts like this at Home Designing and if you like to be notified when we have more such inspiring posts, please subscribe to our feed or newsletter!

Ikea 2010 Catalogs

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Do you have a back copy of an IKEA Catalog that is not featured here? We would love to get a copy and are willing to pay for it. Please get in touch with us: response [at]
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Traditional And Inspirational Chinese Interior Designs

China has a great deal of talent when it comes to interior design ideas. Chinese interior design business is hitting the market with great effect. A very well known design firm in china called as DYEast Design Consultant recently published some of their work done on interior designs specially related to living room ideas and we found it very interesting hence decided to share it with all. These are random collection of work from their portfolio which includes style and luxury bedrooms, living room ideas and restaurants. Most of their designs sport a wide mix of modern as well as traditional values. This company still has not come up with their own website and when they do we surely will add the link here too.
When the Chinese design a house it surely has a typical Chinese touch to it by either using some Chinese language designs on the walls or having the great buddha statue somewhere in the house. The Chinese desgins and concepts with respect to living room ideas is far and wide known. The living room ideas they have are out of the world.
The style and class and lavish feel the exude while designing a living room or while thinking of living room ideas and how they give shape to the final interior design is just awesome. Given below are just very few samples of the rich and luxurious living room ideas that we happen to come across in China.
Chinese Interior Asian Hall Design
chinese interior design asian hall design

Chinese Interior Living Room Design Ideas
chinese interior design living room ideas
Chinese Interior Modern Asian Bedroom Design Ideas
chinese interior design modern asian bedroom design

Chinese Interior Modern Asian Bedroom Design
chinese interior design modern asian bedroom ideas
Chinese Interior Modern Asian Dining Room Ideas
chinese interior design modern asian dining room
Chinese Interior Modern Asian Living Room Ideas
chinese interior design modern asian living room

Chinese Interior Traditional Asian Living Room Design
chinese interior traditional interior design

Chinese Interior Modern Asian Restaurant Design Ideas
chinese interior restaurant design

Layer on the Textures for a Lush Garden Look

If your landscape feels flat, consider creating depth and interest with the color, shape and feel of your plants

What Does Texture Look Like?

When texture is layered correctly, it makes you want to run your hands over the tapestry to feel the different layers. Don't you want to reach out and touch that beautiful bed of blues and purples?
The combination of hostas, ferns and grasses in this photo provides layers of texture that create visual interest, even though there are no blooms.
Combine Contrasting Plants

Start out with one wide-leaf plant and one small-leaf plant and see how they look together. Spend an hour or so in your local nursery combining various plants and see what looks complementary.

The big, bold and shiny leaves of hostas make them a perfect candidate for beginners. They combine well with many other plants but look compelling next to smaller-leaf plants with sharp tips.
Combining a plant with blooming spikes with another plant with foliage spikes creates an interesting play on form and texture. When the two plants are out of bloom, the textures are divergent. But when they're both in bloom, the similar forms are differentiated by the vibrant purple colors.

This is what makes gardening such an intense form of design. It is ever changing — plants morph from one season to the next, and it's a constant battle to simply keep them alive. Can you imagine if your area rugs needed a certain amount of water and food to keep up appearances?
Prune for Texture

Formal gardens rely on structure to provide interesting design, but texture is important too. Notice how the smooth, shorn hedges contrast with the blooming bushes and trees. Imagine the difference between the two if you were to run your hand over them. One would feel light and free, the other straight and solid.
In a more modern setting, shorn evergreens and flowering trees achieve the same effect.
Stick With One Undertone

When combining textures, it is best to start out with plants that have the same undertones. Combining blue and yellow undertones is tricky business, so stick with one or the other. This combination offers textural differences with a yellow undertone.
If you want to go for blues, brunnera (center), blue hostas and blue fescue are good choices.
You can also go with a true green palette. This plant pairing is the same exact shade of green. Out of bloom, the only contrast between the two is the texture. The large leaves cascade down like a waterfall, contrasting with the upright ferny foliage in the background. Try planting geranium and chamomile for this look at home.
Here is another example of combining textures without a color contrast. Notice how the evergreen seems to almost blanket the sedum with its branches, creating a visually interesting effect.
This article just barely cracks the surface of combining textures in the garden. Experimenting is the best experience for beginning gardeners, so get out there and try your hand at designing with frilly foliage, slick leaves and other unexpected combinations.

Texture in Landscape Design
Unsung Garden Hero: Fantastic Foliage

Modern Chinese Interior Design

A little birdie comes to us from China, showcasing the brilliance that exists in the Chinese interior design industry. Modern Chinese interior designs are evolving and these images are beautiful, because they strike a fine balance by combining tradition and contemporary designs.
Luxury living is being redefined and emphasis is being laid on comfortable living, without compromising on style. These pictures spell sheer style, sophistication and brilliance of design while being modest in their color codes.
These images come to you from 14 YA, a company that works to create sophisticated and chic luxury homes.

you can download by MiPONY 1.2.2( Download link Ziddu,Letitbit,Rapidshare, HotFile,MegaUpload)

Modern Contemporary Ceiling Decorating of Home

Modern Contemporary Ceiling Decorating of Home, contemporary lovers that are available nowadays are far more innovative than the ones that were used in previous times. Modern lovers are modified editions that are designed to match modern home decorations and hence are attractive to the owners of today. turned on with its regular configurations, the circulation comes down and is propagate out into the space, but when it is put on the other circulation establishing, the fan attracts the air up, ruining it in the other. This helps in keeping warmed movement all over the house and also triggers appropriate air movement. This is particularly important during the cold months season because it helps in avoiding the intake of dirt and other air particle matter in the air which usually gather since all the windows and gates are kept turn Modern lovers are also well suitable for modern houses due to the comfort of using them. Like other devices that are designed for enjoyment, modern lovers come with handhold remote control. Hence, you can turn them on or off while you are seated relaxed in your chair viewing your preferred TV program. Roof fan controllers come with various temperatures, which contributes to the comfort and is perfect in a world Whether your home has a luxurious internal concept, or an arty atmosphere, or activities a smart look, you will find fashionable and smooth lovers that can go with a variety of internal design styles. Plus, taking a page from the ancient Diehl Electrolier, modern lovers are fixed with roof fan light sets, which come in a wide range of modern styles, from steel to firefox to applied pewter complete respectful method of chilling is holding a return in the form of modern lovers, due to the growing concern about the planet by community. Apart from the planet, another reason people significantly looking for lovers is that with the continuous increase in the cost of electric powered programs and gas, family members are finding that using air conditioning has become just too expensive conventional lovers were only available in restricted options in color, modern ones come in a large range of colours, from electric doldrums to calm yellow to hot whites, which you  choose according to the color program of your style great convenience about modern lovers is that they can be used in winter of winter too. modern roof fan is certainly a very attractive fitting that will add to the atmosphere of the house. They offer unique contact as well as relaxation That is because contemporary lovers have technically innovative techniques that help in reversing

Beadboard Ceiling of Home

Beadboard Ceiling of Home, look through the pictures of beadboard roof to get better concept of how the same looks I am sure that you are going to like the greatest look it imparts to the area. Though many DIY lovers would like to try setting up these themselves, it is best contact an established to get the process done completely dialect and rhythm forums or sections that are necessary to be fit together to create the sections. Else, you can also opt for strong linens of section that have become well-known lately due to the easy set up they provide. choice shade, but you can definitely try things out by using other colors. Well, let me tell you that incorrect option of shade can damage the great thing about these sections, hence, the whole area. So make sure that a person having good understanding of colours selects The choice of content is sure to mix up you. 

You can either pick a quality wooden or also choose the vinyl fabric sections Beadboard is also often generally known as handmade sections or handmade wainscoting. Beadboard generally a paneling made of pieces of wooden that are placed besides each other. The panels are set up besides each other to make a traditional section protecting the roof area providing amazing look to the whole area paneling looks amazing in bungalow designed houses, it can similarly play up the contemporary internal design. Most often it is also used to cover the undesirable underground room roofs. sections can be used in mixture for surfaces to make major paneling effect in the entire house design. While light colours can make a huge effect, deeper colours can add a warm and comfortable effect. Make sure you select darkish color only if the place is huge and has a good size. Walls cuts are included to give a well-defined complete to the roof. Walls decrease is set up at the junction of roof and surfaces. you have the decrease in shade same as that of roof sections or maybe colour The sections don't not only used in decorations but also used for backyards and often used for improving the instant gazebos, exhibits, and sun space. With the roof, restroom and cooking area can also get a exclusive look

Thứ Ba, 5 tháng 6, 2012

Pretty Landing Spot

In between BlogPodium preparations and basement renovations at our house, I've been helping my sister with a few projects at her place. More on that later, but here's one little area I think turned out really sweet.

This is her mudroom/laundry room. Its a bit of a traffic zone, with doors leading to the backyard, garage, and front of the house. She used to have an wall-mounted metal rack here, with a big shelf on top that was always overflowing with hats and scarves, and hooks burdened with bags and coats that never ever looked neat or organized.

I suggested she have her carpenter make a simple coat rack with some black hooks and a shelf made out of crown moulding. Now everything looks nice and neat and there is a landing spot for keys and even some pretty artwork.

A small simple change that works.